

CHARCOAL SOAP is suitable for extracting excessive oily-prone skin, pushing blackheads to the surface of the skin for safe removal, reducing the appearance of blemishes, reducing acne and eliminating toxins or impurities (dirt/makeup) from the surface of the skin.

FACIAL DETOX in a bar! Affordable and Beneficial.

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Charcoal Soap

CHARCOAL SOAP is suitable for extracting excessive oily-prone skin, pushing blackheads to the surface of the skin for safe removal, reducing the appearance of blemishes, reducing acne and eliminating toxins or impurities (dirt/makeup) from the surface of the skin.

SKU: TLE_0002 Category:
Customer Reviews (0)



Charcoal Soap

CHARCOAL SOAP is suitable for extracting excessive oily-prone skin, pushing blackheads to the surface of the skin for safe removal, reducing the appearance of blemishes, reducing acne and eliminating toxins or impurities (dirt/makeup) from the surface of the skin.

SKU: TLE_0002 Category:
Customer Reviews (0)



CHARCOAL SOAP is suitable for extracting excessive oily-prone skin, pushing blackheads to the surface of the skin for safe removal, reducing the appearance of blemishes, reducing acne and eliminating toxins or impurities (dirt/makeup) from the surface of the skin.

FACIAL DETOX in a bar! Affordable and Beneficial.

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